It is a myth that you get to a “certain age” and you have to just put up with pain and stiffness. Yes, as we get older our joints become less mobile and there are some changes that they can undergo that cause pain, but it does not mean that you just have to put up with it and rationalise it because of age.
Here are some things you can do to increase your mobility and to lessen some causes of discomfort.
- Move – the body is made to move and as a child we naturally ran, jumped, skiped, danced without any need for a gym session or instructor telling us what to do. Instead children naturally rush around from one thing to another. They get excited about something, so they run to get to that thing. They experiment with moving their body by climbing, somersaulting as examples. Now I am not saying you need to do somersault, but I want you to start to think a little bit more like a child. Walk more places (children can’t drive) , dance when you hear music you like come on the radio, and even skip if it makes you happy. Movement is the best thing to get your joints moving. Yes, it is great to join classes that focus on movement and stretching but in honesty you need to move more than just an hour class each day.
Walk more (leave the car on the drive) , get the bike out of the garage and pedal to work, call a friend to go for a fun walk, take the kids out into the local countryside and kick a ball as you go. What will make you move and better still what will make you smile?
- Do a daily stretch routine. Keep it simple and be cautious if any stretch causes pain. They shouldn’t!! Choose the larger muscle groups to stretch as a basic session. Your quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, shoulders and lower back are a good start. Don’t over stretch, just move into a position that you start to feel it. Then hold that stretch for 10-20 seconds. Wear loose clothing is best.
- Don’t think that aches and pains are what you have to “put up with “ or that aches, and pains are “because of your age”. Yes, there are some conditions that can cause long term pain but for the majority of simple aches and niggles get them sorted. I listen to so many people who come in with long term pain being totally amazed when it lessens or completely goes away as for years they had just “put up” with it. Many wished they had come in sooner and if I am honest so do I. At Fine Fettle there are a team of experienced and totally professional therapists all experts in helping people reduce their pain. We can’t make false guarantees, but I can tell you that for the majority of clients that visit we do help reduce their pain and discomfort. Why deny yourself that chance.
Please don’t suffer alone if you are in any discomfort. Let the Fine Fettle team check you over, advise you if we think treatment or referral for further tests if appropriate. Make today the first day of a new you. Xx