It is with regret that Fine Fettle will not be opening again after the covid-19 lock down.

Our doors will not open again but our official closing date is Friday 26th June 2020

Fine Fettle Multi-healthcare

Complementary healthcare clinic offering a wide range of therapies.

32 High Street, Bookham, Leatherhead, Surrey KT23 4AG

Fine Fettle Closure

The Co-vid 19 virus has made many of us take time out and reflect on who we are and what we do.  I am no different and this is a message I was not expecting to give for a few more years. But it was a message that would have come at some point.

I have decided to retire from the running of Fine Fettle.  I started the business 10 years ago and it quickly established itself as a centre of excellence in a Multi-healthcare setting.   I have been an Osteopath for 20 years and over the last three years I have reduced my treatment hours in favour or a mentoring business I run along side the clinic, helping other business owners.

I have had time to think carefully about my future over the last few weeks and with my partner likely to get early retirement in a few months I have decided it is time for me to concentrate on other business interests that allow me to take more time off.

Unfortunately, in this climate I have been unable to encourage a member of the Fine Fettle team or any other interested parties to take over the running of the clinic.  In this uncertainty,  I can understand the reluctance for others to take it on.  The irony is I am not having to close the doors because of financial difficulty but rather my choice to expand my other successful business which is totally online.   I have had time to think what I want moving forward and it is to spend time with my future husband (our wedding was cancelled due to Co-vid 19) and be able to run my online business that will allow me to travel more.

It is with a mixture of sadness and excitement for new beginnings that I am today announcing that Fine Fettle will close its doors at the end of June.  We will not reopen our doors again after we were forced to close a few weeks ago.  I am sorry for letting anyone down, but I hope you will all understand that we have all had time to re-evaluate how we live our lives and I am no different.

I have loved my time building and running such a successful clinic and I would like to thank everyone who has supported the business on its journey over the last 10 years.  I wish you all well

Helen x


PS. Please see below our recommendation for another local clinic to support you going forward

Unfortunately none of the Fine Fettle Team felt able to take on the clinic going forward, and there were no other external potential owners prepared to take on the business in the current climate. 

There are a few of the team will be joining the team at the TURNER CLINIC in Leatherhead but I am afraid I have not been informed by many others of where they will be working.  Most of the therapists are still unable to work given the government restrictions.  

(Please note that all notes will be kept for 12 years (in accordance with medical note governing guidelines)  They will be filed away securely during that time and no information will be shared or referred to without your explicit permission. ) 



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